Garage Coatings &

Facts About Them

Are you considering a new flooring material for your garage but unsure which is best for you with all the options available on the market in Newport Beach? You’re not alone! Many homeowners across the country are considering garage coatings for their space, which is why they continue to grow in popularity.

This guide will cover everything you should know about garage coatings, from what they are to the important facts to consider before making your decision.

What is a garage floor coating?

A garage floor coating (also referred to as a garage floor epoxy or concrete sealer) is an industrial-grade polymer that bonds with the surface of your existing concrete and typically provides a long-lasting and highly durable finish.

Garage floor coatings are designed to protect the underlying concrete from staining, abrasions, oil spills, and other wear caused by everyday use. With how often garage spaces are used for tasks like car repairs or DIY projects, having a durable coating is essential for maintaining the longevity of your concrete.

Where are garage coatings usually installed?

Garage coatings are typically installed in areas of high traffic, such as home garages, workshops, commercial garages, or auto shops.

Residential garages

With the increased popularity of epoxy coatings in Newport Beach, many homeowners are investing in coatings for their residential garages. These garage coatings are a great option for those who want an attractive flooring material that’s also durable and easy to maintain.

Commercial garages

In commercial settings such as auto shops or other industrial workspaces, garage coatings are a popular choice due to their increased durability compared to bare concrete alone.

Important facts about garage coatings

Garage coatings are resistant to oil and gas stains, abrasion, and chemicals.

When you choose a garage coating in Newport Beach, you’re investing in a durable, long-lasting material that will protect your concrete and add to the appearance of your home or shop.

Garage coatings help improve longevity.

Another important factor to consider when searching for a garage floor material is its ability to stand up to heavy traffic and wear. Garage coatings are designed for high-traffic use and will help extend your base concrete’s life.

There are additives to help with anti-slip or anti-static qualities.

If you’re looking for an even higher level of protection, many garage coatings come with additives that can help create a non-slip surface or reduce static electricity buildup. Sensitive environments such as laboratories often benefit from garage coatings with anti-static additives.

Consider having a garage coating installed in Newport Beach

Garage coatings are becoming increasingly popular, and for good reason. They’re easy to install, look great, and provide durable protection against everyday wear and tear. If you’re considering adding a new flooring material to your garage, a garage coating is a great choice for an attractive, long-lasting finish.

To learn more about garage coatings or find out if they’re the best flooring option for you, contact us today for a free quote.